MATLAB: How do i change StepTolerance


Please i would like to write a code in matlab that changes the StepTolerance to 1E-20 but i do not know how to go about.
Please can someone assist, please..
This is my script:
tSpan=[0 535];
options = optimoptions('StepTolerance', 1e-20);
[tSol, ySol]=ode23tb(@(t, y) MBBRFun4(t,y), tSpan, y0, options);
as it stands, i get the following error:
Warning: Failure at t=6.848966e-01. Unable to meet integration
tolerances without reducing the step size below the smallest value
allowed (2.433242e-15) at time t.
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

As I have attached an example code for changing step tolerance. Hope it helps your cause.