MATLAB: How created a graph from unordered node list

graphgraph theoryMATLAB

I want to created a graph from an unordered list of nodes. However, Matlab creat graph from ordered node numbers. For example, My node list is as :
Now this would be the result if I plot the graph from this source and target nodes:
The results shows the range of nodes from 1 to 8; however, These nodes don't exist in this network. This is problematic since I have a huge road network like this (34000 unordered pairs of source and targets) and each node has and coordiantion. This seroiusly cause problem while I'm trying to plot it with coordiantes. I tried to remove those nodes but it completly changes the graph (I have no Idea why this happening). Thank you in advance for any advice or help.

Best Answer

When a graph or digraph is specified using numbers, the assumption is that all nodes of this graph have numbers from 1:numberOfNodes. This is not the case when a graph or digraph is constructed from strings, so the simplest workaround is
G = graph(string(source), string(Target));