MATLAB: How create grid name in axes??

matlab gui

Hello, I have a problem with Xgrid and Ygrid in my GUI – Matlab 2013a. My code is:
set(handles.axes4, 'XGrid', 'on');
set(handles.axes4, 'YGrid', 'on');
handles.axes4.XLabel.String = 't[s]';
handles.axes4.YLabel.String = ['input ' inputName];
in Matlab 2016 I can to see X and Y axis but in Matlab 2013a this axis is not there. Do you know where is a problem please??

Best Answer

Matlab R2013a did not use the modern GUI handles ("HG2") and you cannot access the properties using the dot syntax:
set(handles.axes4, 'XGrid', 'on');
set(handles.axes4, 'YGrid', 'on');
xlabel(handles.axes4, 't[s]');
ylabel(handles.axes4, ['input ' inputName]);
Note that "input" and "inputname" are builtin Matlab functions. Creating variables with the same name lead to confusions frequently.