MATLAB: How create enable signal


I want to second signal that depend on first signal like an enable signal. There is a counter that running while the first signal appears and after it reaches value(cnt=21), the second signal should create.
Can anyone guide me how to do it ?
Thanks a lot,

Best Answer

gated_signal(counter) = second_signal(counter) .* (counter >= 21);
The above is for the case where the second signal is to "run" all of the time but the output is to be suppressed until the counter is 21.
If you have the entire second_signal array ahead of time then you can use
gated_signal = second_signal;
gated_signal(1:20) = 0;
If you have the entire second_signal array ahead of time but it is to be delayed by 20 then
gated_signal = zeros(1, length(second_signal) + 20);
gated_signal(21:end) = second_signal;
If you are producing signals one at a time and the second signal is not to start until the counter reaches 21 then
if counter >= 21
gated_signal = second_signal(counter-20);
gated_signal = 0;
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