MATLAB: How create a decreasing axis for a histogram plot

histograminverted axisMATLAB

Hello, when creating histograms using the "histogram" command, the x-axis ('bins') are sorted from lower to higher value from left to right, just as is typical for standard plots (0-1, 1-2, 2-3, …).
However, for a later processing / displaying of the histograms, I need the bins in a decreasing order (…, 3-2, 2-1, 1-0).
To be precise, my bins are rather small: the highest value is 0.1, lowest value 0 (–> only positive data), I would like a constant bin width of 0.01.
I unsuccessfully tried to use the 'BinLimits' as well as the 'BinEdges' command, which would not accept decreasing bin limits.
So any advice on how to create a histogram with decreasing bin limits is appreciated.
Thank you, Dan

Best Answer

h=histc(i(:), 0:255);
set(gca, 'XDir','reverse')