MATLAB: How could i animate a series as an animation


a function like :
just with loop

Best Answer

Here's a demo below. First create the data, set up the figure, then loop through each coordinate to plot the next line segment (or dot); use drawnow to update the plot on each iteration.
Run this demo to watch the sin wave form.
% Create your data
x = 0:.1:4*pi;
y = sin(x);
% Create figure
ah = axes;
% Set axis limits so they aren't continually adjusted
xlim([0, 4*pi])
hold(ah, 'on') %Hold the axis!
% loop through each point / line segment
for i = 2:numel(x)
plot(x(i-1:i), y(i-1:i), '-b')
drawnow %Update the plot!
Update: Here are better demos and more options I added 2 years later