MATLAB: How close loop works in NAR neural network

cloose loop nar

I'm quite new to neural networks, but I'm currently using them to forecast crude oil prices. Now I'm working with only Brent time series as data, so I'm using NAR model to forecasting. I've seen that for multispet prediction I have to close loop after have trained the net, as:
netc = closeloop(net);
yc = netc(x,xi,ai);
I don't understand why I have to give the target T? If I have to do prediction, how can I know the target price? I'm new to NN, so probably the answer is very easy. Thanks in advance if someone can clarify it to me.

Best Answer

You have to know the target in order to test and, if needed, to continue training netc.
Just closing the loop is, in general, insufficient because netc feeds back the output with errors instead of the target. Using the target to complete the design of netc may be necessary to reduce the fed back error.
Hope this helps.
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