MATLAB: How can you view the function call event for a function call subsystem


How can you view the function call event for a function call subsystem? 

Best Answer

In the Function-Call Subsystem, you can launch the block parameters of the "Trigger Port" block and check the "Show output port" option. You can then connect the output with a "Scope" or "To Workspace" block. In this way, every time the subsystem is called, the signal is logged. If you connect to a Scope, you can open the Scope setting dialog. In the "Style" tab, choosing a "Marker" will make the output more clear. 
The Trigger block will output a value as:
  • 1 for a signal that causes a rising trigger
  • -1 for a signal that causes a falling trigger
  • 2 for a function-call trigger
  • 0 otherwise