MATLAB: How can you tell which licenses are required for a model when you don’t have all licenses for the model


How do I determine the licenses that are required for a model when I might not have all of the licenses to run the model?

Best Answer

In MATLAB R2019b, finding the required licenses does not require all of them to be active on your current machine. However, in prior versions, this is only possible if you have all the licenses required for the particular model.
If you are operating in a release before R2019b, the following methods will only work when employed with access to all licenses required to execute the model in question. I suggest finding whomever last worked on, developed, or executed the model or the PC it was executed on last.
In R2019b, anyone should be able to use these methods:
You can use a model manifest:
Or you can programmatically determine required licenses:
If this is a Simulink Project, you can also use the 'Impact Analysis' to find the required toolboxes for the project:
One of these strategies should enable you to view the required toolboxes and, therefore, determine the licenses required for a given model/project.