MATLAB: How can we generate an image with equal number of intensity values

Image Processing Toolbox

For example we have an image that has 5 pixels with intensity 100, 5 with intensity 50, 5 with intensity 200 and so on.

Best Answer

needHeight = 96; needWidth = 78; %adjust as required
default_pix_intens = 0; %default intensity if the template does not describe enough pixels
template = [5, 100; %count, intensity
5, 50;
5, 200];
num_pix_needed = needHeight * needWidth;
pixdata = [];
for K = 1 : size(template,1)
pixdata = [pixdata, repmat(template(K,2), 1, template(K,1))];
num_pix_templated = length(pixdata);
if num_pix_templated > num_pix_needed
error( fprintf('only %d total pixels needed but template describes %d pixels', num_pix_needed, num_pix_templated) );
elseif num_pix_templated < num_pix_needed
pixdata(num_pix_templated+1 : num_pix_needed) = default_pix_intens;
scrambled_pixdata = pixdata(randperm(numel(pixdata))); %assuming you want a random order
pix_matrix = reshape(scrambled_pixdata, needHeight, needWidth);