MATLAB: How can modify file name that imported by uigetfile.


i want to load some file by uigetfile.
then how can i use uigetfile data when i want to export file, for example
input file name : abc.csv
output file name : abc_modified.csv
(for export, i use writetable.)

Best Answer

Note that if it's for saving/exporting, you should use uiputfile instead of uigetfile.
Regardless, all these functions do is return you a char vector with the name of the selected file. You're free to do whatever you want with that variable, just like any other variable.
[filename, path] = uigetfile;
[~, base, extension] = fileparts(filename);
newfilename = [base, '_modified', extension];
writetable(sometable, fullfile(path, newfilename));