MATLAB: How can I write a simple pde and solve it


I want to write pde in matlab , how can i do it ,
for ex I want to wite this equation :
(∂^2 f(x,y))/(∂x^2 )+(∂^2 f(x,y))/(∂y^2 )=0
I tried the following code in the command window :
>> syms f(x,y)
>> diff( f(x,y) ,x ,x) + diff( f(x,y) ,y ,y)== 0
Is it right ??
then how can I find the solution?
Or what is the right way to write this eq and solve it?

Best Answer

Unfortunately MATLAB does not have any symbolic pde tools.
According to Maple, the solution is
(y^2-x^2) * C2/2 + C1*x + C3*y + f00
where f00 is f(0,0), and where C1 and C3 are constants of integration that will vary according to the boundary conditions, and where C2 is an arbitrary constant
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