MATLAB: How can i use the ‘feval’ function in Binary Genetic Algorithm for evaluating a fitness function

feval functionfunction handle and arguments

Respected Scholars,
I have used "cost=feval(fitnessfunction,argument)", where fitnessfunction is a function call and argument is a flexible Matrix. But,Optimizer GA have shown errors saying that "Argument must be a string or a function handle" and "Index exceeds matrix dimensions"
ff=@funcname; %ff is the function handle (handles the function 'funcname')
npar=1; %no.of optimization variables
maxit=100; %Maximum No.of Iterations
mincost=-9999999; %Minimum Cost
%GA Parameters
selection=0.5; %Fraction of Population Kept
popsize=input('enter pop size depending on the no.of possible 'a' values='); %Set Population Size
keep=floor(selection*popsize); %Population Members that Survive
iga=0; %Generation Counter Initialized
pop=round(rand(popsize,Nt)); %Random population of 1s and 0s
par=gadecode(pop,0,10,nbits); %convert binary to continuous values (par handles the function 'gadecode')
cost=feval(ff,par); %Calculates population cost using ff
Example fitness function:
function f=funcname(a)
for a=1:10
Thank You… In Advance

Best Answer

Your line
popsize=input('enter pop size depending on the no.of possible 'a' values='); %Set Population Size
needs to be
popsize = input('enter pop size depending on the no.of possible ''a'' values='); %Set Population Size
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