MATLAB: How can i use Mean vector difference enhancer to highlight the gradient of the object contour and to suppress the gradient of noise contour

gradient enhancing using mean vector difference enhancerImage Processing Toolbox

I am in need to detect the contour of the cytoplasm and nuclues of the cell(that i have attached in
). to detect the cell nucleus i undergone sobel operator first.since it is sensitive to noise, MVD(Mean vector difference enhancer) is used to highlight the gradient of the object contour and to suppress the gradient of noise contour. so I an need of matlab code for this enhancement…plz someone help code for sobel operator is
I=imread('D:\sou project\original\1.bmp');
imshow(I),title('original image')
[Gx, Gy] = imgradientxy(I);
Gmag = imgradient(Gx, Gy);
figure, imshow(Gmag, []), title('Gradient magnitude')

Best Answer

Like your duplicate question, I don't think you need to use that algorithm. You can do the code I gave you in your duplicate question