MATLAB: How can i use function imresize(a,[x y ]) (this function of 2D),with matrix 3D [x y z]

image analysis

i have tow matrix 3d need to find rmse(root mean squre error) and single to noise SNR between this tow matrix first muste be tow matrix have same dimention how can resize matrix 3d from 128*100*360 to 64*64*64

Best Answer

This seems to be a problem for interp3().
m = 128;
n = 100;
p = 360;
v = rand(m, n, p); % test data
[x, y, z] = meshgrid(linspace(1, m, 64), linspace(1, n, 64), linspace(1, p, 64));
vi = interp3(v, y, x, z)
I'm still puzzled about the order of inputs for interp3. Please check this again.