MATLAB: How can I use block “Scenario Reader” in simulink with multiple egoVehicle

Automated Driving Toolboxsimulink

I already set the coordinate system of output in block Scenario Reader to be World Coordinates. Based on this reference –> . I just confuse how to use after I set the coordinate system, because this block doesn't have any input.

Best Answer

The scenario Reader has the property "File name for the recorded scenario" and inside this mat-file (created by Driving Scenario Designer) all actors are defined. In R2019a there is also the variable EgoCarId inside this mat-file. So actual it should be not possible to have more, than exact one ego vehicle. The scenario reader is p-coded, so you have no chance to modify the scenario reader to read a second ego vehicle from the mat-file.
But you could do the following: Save two different mat-files from Driving Scenario Designer with the same scenario, but with different ego-vehicles. Then insert this block scenarioReader twice in your simulink model, each of them reads one mat file with one ego vehicle, but they are different ones.
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