MATLAB: How can i use audioplayer function to play many wav files


How can i use audioplayer function to play many wav files?
The current example show me how to play a wav file. how can i make this function play 22 wav files one by one?
%load c.mat file where 22 wav files is found in the workspace
load c;
%set player as audioplayer function that play '1'
player = audioplayer (1, fs);
%play sound named in player
play (player, [1 (get (player, 'SampleRate') *3)]);
I need to play 2,3,4,5… 22. That I have loaded in the workspace. Thank you.

Best Answer

is the "1" here a file name? You cannot have a variable named "1" or "2" or so on. audioplayer(1, fs) asks to play the sound created by the single sample whose value is 1.0
audioplayer() is not able to play multiple files in itself. I also do not find any documented method of changing the sample data after the object is created. It appears that it might be necessary to delete the audioplayer object and create a new one with the new sample list.