MATLAB: How can i specify not to use blue line for a plot


ok say i have this matlab script. this code plots 15 different plots in one plot and it gives each function a color. so how do i specify to not use the color blue for any of those 15 functions if this is possible?
clear all
clear variables
Z = 1:1:20;
O = rand(20,15);

Best Answer

You can take the initial blue out of the default colour order (in R2015a here) by setting the 'defaultAxisColorOrder' property to exclude it:
cd = get(groot,'defaultAxesColorOrder');
set(groot, 'defaultAxesColorOrder', cd(2:end,:))
x = randi(10, 6, 2);
y = randi(10, 6, 2);
plot(x(:,1), y(:,1), 'p', 'MarkerSize',10)
hold on
plot(x(:,2), y(:,2), 'p', 'MarkerSize',10)
hold off
EDIT — For details see the documentation for ColorOrder.