MATLAB: How can i solve this function below

matlab function

To solve a second order differential equation : dx/dt = Ax + Bu(t) I use this function but i haven't obtain any result :
function xdot = msd(t,x)
% Function file for mass with spring and damping.
% Position is first variable, velocity is second variable.
u = 10;
m = 1;c = 2;k = 5;
A = [0, 1;-k/m, -c/m];
B = [0; 1/m];
xdot = A*x+B*u;
[t, x] = ode45(@msd, [0,5], [0,0];

Best Answer

Save the function below as msd.m
function xdot = msd(t,x)
% Function file for mass with spring and damping.
% Position is first variable, velocity is second variable.
u = 10;
m = 1;c = 2;k = 5;
A = [0, 1;-k/m, -c/m];
B = [0; 1/m];
xdot = A*x+B*u;
then in Matlab Windows Command write
[t, x] = ode45(@msd, [0,5], [0,0]);