MATLAB: How can i solve this equation 1/(24*(x^4/24 + x^3/24 + x^2/24 + x/24 + 1/24))


Hi everyone,
I am very new to Matlab, ive spent quite a great deal trying to solve this equaition for x.
I've read through alot of the forums and tried solve, fsolve, roots, vpasolve, however i keep ending up with the same answer when running the code : Empty sym: 0-by-1
Here is the code i am executing. I am trying to calculate traffic in Erlangs using the blockage probability and number of ressources availables and the formula
if erlint == 0 && probint ~=0 && circint ~=0
P = str2double(prob);
m = str2double(circ);
syms x
assume(x ~= 0)
for k=0:m
kfact= factorial(m);
somme=somme + (x^k)/(kfact);
eqn2 = (x^m/f)/(x^k)/(somme);
Here is the output up until the result above.
ans =
x ~= 0
somme =
x^4/24 + x^3/24 + x^2/24 + x/24 + 1/24
eqn2 =
1/(24*(x^4/24 + x^3/24 + x^2/24 + x/24 + 1/24)).
x will represent the value i am trying to calculate based on the 2 other.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I don’t believe there is a solution in the sense that:
Eqn1 = 1/(24*(x^4/24 + x^3/24 + x^2/24 + x/24 + 1/24)) == 0;
because this is the essential equivalent of a much simpler equation:
Eqn = 1/(x + 1) == 0;
L = limit(Eqn, x, Inf)
L = 0
and the only solution is :
x -> Inf