MATLAB: How can i solve


Hello, I'm new to matlab. I kind of like it and i have a project at university based on matlab. I'm kind of bad at programming but i want to learn.
So i have the following exercise to solve:
I need to make a square signal on multiple levels.
The period of every signal is 0.25 s and i have the following levels:
a) {-1,1}
b) {-3,-1,1,3}
c) {-5,-3,-1,1,3,5}
I m sorry if this aren't the rules of the website but i'm kind of desperate. If someone can solve the d) {-7,-5,-3,-1,1,3,5,7} so i can inspire from that.

Best Answer

Below code worked for me :
rng default
tsim = 0:0.002:10; % simulation time
Amp = {-7,-5,-3,-1,1,3,5,7}; % Amplitudes
dt = 0.25; % sample time
randAmp = [Amp{floor(length(Amp)*rand(tsim(end)/dt,1))'+1}]; % randomize amplitude over simulation time
func = @(t)0; % initialize function
for i = 1:length(randAmp)
func = @(t)func(t)+((t-dt*(i-1))*(t-(dt-1e-10)*i)<=0)*randAmp(i); % check where 't' lies and decide amplitude accordingly
plot(tsim,arrayfun(func,tsim)) % plot the results
Let me know if you have doubts !