MATLAB: How can i share data between two callbacks in app designer

app designerMATLABshare data between callbacks

Good morning,
I'm trying to use the data I load with
in another callbacks but unfortunatealy all my efforts are vanished.
Can you paste some example code please.
Thanks for help

Best Answer

Yes, but are you using Guide, App Designer, or builiding your gui programmatically?
You have to be mindful of variable scope in guis. Everything occurs in functions, and once the function exits, all variables that were created in it are gone.
The way to make them available in other callback functions is typically to add your variable to a structure. In app designer, it would be to the app structure (app.var1 = [...]). In Guide, it is the handles structure (handles.var1 = [...]).
In Guide you need to update the handles structure if it has been modified.
See this post for more.