MATLAB: How can i set gap between two xlabels created by text

gap between two x-labels

How can i create gap between bottom two labels.
It has two problems:
1) I want to create 11 tick marks on x-axis.
2) I want to create vertical gap between text line of "Angle" and "Number".
Ej_plot=(2.*180.*(jn-1)./Z); % jn=1:11, Z=11
xlim([0 Ej_plot(1,end)]);
ymin = min(ylim);
yrng = diff(ylim);
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', []);
nrxt = 11;
lat_txt = cellstr(strsplit(num2str(Ej_plot,'%.2f '),' '));
text([(Ej_plot(1)-Ej_plot(2))*0.5 Ej_plot], ones(1,nrxt+1)*ymin-0.05*yrng, ['Angle ' lat_txt],'HorizontalAlignment','center','Rotation',45)
lng_txt = cellstr(strsplit(num2str(tp),' '));
text([(Ej_plot(1)-Ej_plot(2))*0.5 Ej_plot], ones(1,nrxt+1)*ymin-0.1*yrng, ['Number ' lng_txt],'HorizontalAlignment','center')

Best Answer

Like so perhaps:
Ej_plot=(2.*180.*(jn-1)./Z); % jn=1:11, Z=11
h = figure(3);
xlim([0 Ej_plot(1,end)]);
ymin = min(ylim);
yrng = diff(ylim);
set(gca, 'XTickLabel', []);
nrxt = 11;
lat_txt = cellstr(strsplit(num2str(Ej_plot,'%.2f '),' '));
text([(Ej_plot(1)-Ej_plot(2))*0.5 Ej_plot], ones(1,nrxt+1)*ymin-0.05*yrng, ['Angle ' lat_txt],'HorizontalAlignment','center','Rotation',45)
lng_txt = cellstr(strsplit(num2str(tp),' '));
text([(Ej_plot(1)-Ej_plot(2))*0.5 Ej_plot], ones(1,nrxt+1)*ymin-0.15*yrng, ['Number ' lng_txt],'HorizontalAlignment','center')
h.CurrentAxes.Position = [0.1300 0.16000 0.7750 0.8200];