MATLAB: How can i run different timelines in Simuink

clocksimulinksubsystemtime frames

Hi Guys. I have modeled a fate and transport system of contaminants in subsurface media with Simulink. This model consists of Subsystem 1 and Subsystem 2. The Problem is when I run the model, both Sub1 and Sub 2 run together but I want that the clock in Sub 2 starts with a delay respect to Sub1. In other words I want Sub 2 starts when sub 1 hit a specific time. I would be grateful if you help me through this.

Best Answer

Use "Enabled subsytem" block for both Subsytems.
Updated file attached. Sub system 1 tuns from 0-75s. Subsystem 2 runs from 75-100s taking the value from subsystem1 when t=75s. You can edit the trigger point as required.