MATLAB: How can i Resample


I have two signals measured with different sampling frequencies
Signal 1 has a sampling frequency of 999.9917Hz while Signal 2 has a sampling frequency of 99.9976 Hz.
I would like to upsample signal 2 so that it has as many samples as signal 1.
who can i do this?

Best Answer

You can use the resample function, to get the idea clear here is an example :
Fs1= 999.9917;
Fs2= 99.9976;
t1=0:1/Fs1:0.5-1/Fs1; y1=sin(2*pi*t1*300);
t2=0:1/Fs2:0.5-1/Fs2; y2=sin(2*pi*t2*30);
The resampling function uses two integers p,q to resample y2 by p/q*Fs2 as the new rate, thus Fs1=p/q*Fs2.