MATLAB: How can i recording audio immediately

acquisitionaudio acquisitionaudiorecorderdata acquisitionMATLAB

I'm working with audiorecorder object for recording audio, with this code:
recObj = audiorecorder(8000,16,1)
recordblocking(recObj, 1);
audioarray = getaudiodata(recObj);
I noticed that the registration doesn't start immediately, but it waits about 0.4/0.5 s. You can see this problem with this image:
I need that it starts immediately after i run the recording (also because i would like to create small (acquisition windows, about 0.2 s).
I also tried to use pause() and resume() but it has the same problem.
What can i do to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Given below is a command which will open example for you which will help you record the audio immediately.
Moreover, you can also modify the default properties of your audioDeviceReader object to reduce latency.
You can also go through this link for any information.