MATLAB: How Can I recognize/detect the Needle/hand in the below images

image processingImage Processing Toolboximage segmentation

Hi I am very new to image processing and struggling to detect the Needle in the below images. Anybody who can help me to segment the Needle. Keep in mind that it moves as in sped meter. We can use multiple stream to find out the needle but I don't know how to do it?
many many thanks in advance for your time

Best Answer

ImageAnalyst will certainly provide a fancy solution (like a bwGetBlobAngle from his FEX ;-)), but (waiting for him to hit the forum) here is one way to do it "by hand" (I did that during a short pause, so all should be optimized).
=== VERSION 07/31, 2 =======================================================
Reading another post by ImageAnalyst, I realize that I should learn more about NORMXCORR2, but here is a version based on a 2D convolution for matching the "200" in the indicator. I chose it because it should never be hidden by the needle. From the center of the match, we get the center of rotation of the needle by adding a fixed offset. I generated a shifted 3rd image to test the approach. I attached the shifted image, the code and a template file (for the match) to this answer, below.
clear ; close all ; clc ;
display = true ; % True for debug, false for processing
% large number of files.
% - Parameters associated with the needle
originAngle = 4 ; % Used to compensate for the image tilt.
needleLength = 400 ;
% - Parameters associated with the curve around the needle center.
curveRadius = 200 ;
kernelSize = 30 ; % Kernel size for 1D conv along curve.
% - Parameters associated with the window that must frame the "200"
% on the indicator.
w200Center = [1000, 1860] ; % Approx. center of window "200".
w200OffsetNC = [290, 180] ; % Approx. offset to needle center.
w200width = 800 ;
w200Height = 600 ;
w200MatFile = 'w200_threshold08_template.mat' ;
% - Load/build '200' template for 2D convolution. Prepare for convolution
% purpose: remap 0 to -1 and 1 to 1.
loaded = load( w200MatFile ) ;
w200Template = -1 + 2 * rot90( double( loaded.thresh08_200 ), 2 ) ;
% - Get listing of jpeg files.
D_jpg = dir( '*.jpg' ) ;
nFiles = numel( D_jpg ) ;
% - Prealloc(s), initialize.
needleAngles = zeros( nFiles, 1 ) ;
w200RowBnd = round( w200Center(1) + 0.5*[-w200Height, w200Height] ) ;
w200ColBnd = round( w200Center(2) + 0.5*[-w200width, w200width] ) ;
for fId = 1 : nFiles
% Initialize angle with NaN (=failed).
needleAngles(fId) = NaN ;
% - Read and "flatten" image.
I_flat = sum( imread( D_jpg(fId).name ), 3 ) ;
tic ;
% - Extract window "200", threshold @ 80% for comparison with template.
w200 = I_flat(w200RowBnd(1):w200RowBnd(2), w200ColBnd(1):w200ColBnd(2)) ;
w200 = w200 > 0.8 * max( w200(:) ) ;
% - Match template in window.
match = conv2( double( w200 ), w200Template, 'same' ) ;
[r, c] = find( match == max( match(:) ) ) ;
if numel( r ) > 1
fprintf( '%-20s: failed to match "200" template.\n', D_jpg(fId).name ) ;
if ~display
continue ; % Loop back, leaving NaN angle value.
matchCenter(1) = r(1) ;
matchCenter(2) = c(1) ;
% - Compute needle center.
needleCenter = [w200RowBnd(1) + matchCenter(1) + w200OffsetNC(1), ...
w200ColBnd(1) + matchCenter(2) + w200OffsetNC(2)] ;
% - Build curve around indicator center, match needle origin and
% rotation direction.
curveRowIds = round( needleCenter(1) - curveRadius * cos( 0:0.02:2*pi )) ;
curveColIds = round( needleCenter(2) + curveRadius * sin( 0:0.02:2*pi )) ;
% - Extract "signal" or sample along curve, perform 1D convolution.
% Manage circularity by tripling sample and working on middle part
% (crappy, must be overworked).
curveSample = I_flat( sub2ind( size(I_flat), curveRowIds, curveColIds )) ;
sampleConv = conv( repmat( curveSample, 1, 3 ), ...
ones( 1, kernelSize )/kernelSize, 'same' ) ;
nSamples = numel( curveSample ) ;
sampleConv = sampleConv(nSamples + (1:nSamples)) ;
needleAngles(fId) = -originAngle + ...
360/nSamples * find( sampleConv == max(sampleConv), 1 ) ;
fprintf( '%-20s: processing time = %.2fs.\n', D_jpg(fId).name, toc ) ;
if display
figure() ;
set( gcf, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.1,0.1,0.8,0.8] ) ;
% - Plot image, window "200", curve, center, needle.
subplot( 2, 2, 1 ) ; hold on ;
imshow( I_flat/max(I_flat(:)) ) ;
plot( needleCenter(2), needleCenter(1), 'xb', curveColIds, curveRowIds, 'r' ) ;
plot( [reshape( [w200ColBnd; w200ColBnd], 1, [] ), w200ColBnd(1)], ...
[w200RowBnd, fliplr(w200RowBnd), w200RowBnd(1)], 'g' ) ;
needleTip = [needleCenter(1) - cosd( needleAngles(fId)+originAngle ) * needleLength, ...
needleCenter(2) + sind( needleAngles(fId)+originAngle ) * needleLength] ;
plot( [needleCenter(2), needleTip(2)], [needleCenter(1), needleTip(1)], ...
'b', 'LineWidth', 3 ) ;
% - Plot window "200" content and match center.
subplot( 2, 2, 2 ) ; hold on ;
imshow( w200 ) ;
plot( matchCenter(2), matchCenter(1), 'rx', 'LineWidth', 3, 'MarkerSize', 10 ) ;
% - Plot "signal" along curve, convolution, angle.
subplot( 2, 2, 3 ) ; hold on ; grid on ;
title( D_jpg(fId).name ) ;
angleSample = 0:360/(nSamples-1):360 ;
plot( angleSample, curveSample, 'b', angleSample, sampleConv, 'r' ) ;
line( [needleAngles(fId) needleAngles(fId)], ylim, 'Color', [0, 1, 0] ) ;
% - Text: angle, ..
subplot( 2, 2, 4 ) ; hold on ;
set(gca, 'Visible', 'off' ) ;
text( 0.1, 0.5 , sprintf( 'Angle = %.1f°', needleAngles(fId)), 'FontSize', 20 ) ;
With that we get:
And the 3rd, shifted image:
Note: I moved my first two answers (irrelevant now) at the end of my first comment below, for reference.