MATLAB: How can i read text file

text filetextscan

i want to read text file but i want to start from 5 row to 230. In Addition i want to read Parameters till semicolon. Do you have any opinion?

Best Answer

doc textscan
and the examples, carefully. There are sufficient examples and info there...
You seem to have mixed 'column' and 'row' in your description of what you want/don't want; I'll presume it's only the 5:230 rows to read(*) and all the columns...
fmt=['%s %s' repmat('%f',1,3)];
zeile = textscan(fid,fmt,226,'delimiter',';','headerlines',4,'collectoutput',1);
(*) Altho I used the option COUNT value above, unless the file is extremely large it's often faster to simply read the whole file and then just delete the portions of the data that are not of interest. This is so because for the whole file the i/o system can make maximum use of buffering and all as opposed to having to count records and return only that subsection required so may be sufficient overhead saved in the i/o processing to make up for the added amount data.