MATLAB: How can i plot a hexagon, a triangle, a pentagon, an octagon and a circle.


What are the changes i need to make to this code to get a triangle, a pentagon, an octagon and a circle
% close all the open figure windows
close all
% create array containing 361 equally spaced points btw 0 and 2*pi
degrees = linspace(0, 2*pi, 361);
% store in the array 'c' cosine of all the values in the array 'degrees'
c = cos(degrees);
% store in the array 's' sine of all the values in the array 'degrees'
s = sin(degrees);
% calculate appropriate step size for plotting a hexagon
step = 360/6;
%plot the polygon
plot(c(1:step:361), s(1:step:361))
%set equal aspect ratio for all the axis
axis equal

Best Answer

sides = input('har mycket sides?');
step = 360/sides;