MATLAB: How can I overcome on algebraic loop in simulink


I faced error in simulink when I use PV-block that located in renewable library which developed by mathworks team- with inverter (power electronic) with powergui block (discrete mode time =1e-6) and the PWM in the inverter (5Khz)
I tried to install memory block and unit delay block around the error area which is in ( PV Array/Diode Rsh/Product5 ) but it doesn't work still the same problem
I tried to minimize the sampling time in powergui from 1e-6 to 1e-8 , it works but it takes very very long time even if the simulation stop time is 0.1 unit time
if anybody can helps me …. please i'm trouble

Best Answer

Basialy algebric loop error occure in simulink model whenever zero is come in denomenator part of any function.
To ovecome the algebric loop error in simulink model due to -: PV Array/Diode Rsh/Product5.
follow two steps;
  1. Double click to PV array > advanced > check to check box in break algebric loop in internal model
  2. Go on the model configuration parameter model> zero crosing options > Zero-crossing control: Disable all
In this way your problem will be solved.
Pemendra Kumar Pardhi
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