MATLAB: How can i multiply the transfer function with a vector)

Control System ToolboxMATLABtransfer function

How can i multiply the transfer function with a vector ??

Best Answer

You can use the LSIM command.
For example:
s = tf('s');
G = (1.659e010*s^2 + 9.123e012*s + 4.147e014)/ (1.011e-005*s^7 + 0.02896*s^6 + 99.2*s^5 + 1.461e005*s^4+ 2.187e008*s^3 + 1.042e011*s^2 + 1.308e013*s+ 4.147e014)
t = 0:0.001:10;
u = sin(t.^3);
y = lsim(G,u,t);
legend({'Input (u)', 'Output (y)'})
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