MATLAB: How can i merge different codes in the main function


i am performing quadtree decomposition which required the use of different functions.i have separate code for all the required tasks.I need to merge the different functions in the main fuction so that i can have only one code instead of many separate codes.Any thoughts on how i can perform it?

Best Answer

you can insert as many functions as needed at the end (behind the code section) of your main script:
some code in the main script;
defining some values in main script;
calculate something;
call function_1();
do some stuff;
do more stuff;
call function_2();
do as much stuff as posible;
call function_3();
plot result;
write something to somewhere;
function some_stuff = function_1(x,y)
function some_more_stuff = function_2(z)
function final_stuff = function_3(x,y,z)
That way you could insert all code from your seperate functions into your main script and run it in one script file. Thats what you wanted to do?
Best regards
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