MATLAB: How can i make this loop start at theta= zero and evaluate the same equations for values increasing by two (e.i at 0,2,4,6 etc.)


Trial>> for I=1:2:n R=12
w=(2*pi/5) Md=50 Theta=0 Thetarads= theta*pi/180
alpha=0 u=.8 L=6*R theta=0 Dth=2 thetarads=theta*pi/180 rx=(R)*cos(theta)-L*cos(180)-L ry=(R*sin(theta))-(L*sin(180))-(R*sin(theta)) vx=(-R)*(w)*sin(theta) vy=(R)*(w)*cos(theta) alpha=0 ax=(-R)*alpha*sin(theta)-(R*(w^2)*cos(theta)) ay=(R)*alpha*cos(theta)-(R*w^2*sin(theta)) theta=theta+Dth end

Best Answer

Here's how you'd get ax and ay. First we define an array of values theta which go from 0 to 360 in steps of 2. Then we say for each value of theta, compute a corresponding value of ax and ay. I'm using k as a counter which goes through each index in theta.
R = 12;
w = 2*pi/5;
alpha = 0;
theta = 0:2:360;
for k = 1:length(theta)
ax(k)=(-R)*alpha*sind(theta(k))-(R*(w^2)*cosd(theta(k))) ;
ay(k)=(R)*alpha*cosd(theta(k))-(R*w^2*sind(theta(k))) ;
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