MATLAB: How can I make a specified interval a specified color?


I am plotting the slip distribution of some FEM color bar is shown between [0 10], though I need to show the slip above some threshold only. 0 means that my fault didn’t slip at all, and I also want to assume that parts with slip under 62cm will be almost the same as 0. how can I do that? editing the color bar, does not let me to make to color the exact 0 to 62 white.
I have several graph, I want all of them to have color bar[0 10] with the same intervals,just the white part will be different in each. as my threshold for minimum slip is 10% of the max slip.

Best Answer

Try this:
data = randi(10, 30, 40); % Create sample data
imshow(data, 'InitialMagnification', 1600);
axis('on', 'image');
cMap = parula(10)
caxis([0, 10]);
threshold = 3; % Wherever
cMap(1:threshold, :) = 1