MATLAB: How can i get the same text from another function

MATLABmatlab gui

  • How can I get the texts, that i have created in the function handles to the function checkboxValue. I want to delete them in the second function. The two functions are not in the same script? Thanks
function handles = plotCAT(vaargin)
text(data(ObstPedestFlag, 1)- 0.5, data(ObstPedestFlag, 2) + 0.5, cellstr('PED-TP'));
text(data(ObstMovInvFlag, 1)- 0.5, data(ObstMovInvFlag, 2) + 0.5, cellstr('INV-TP'));
text(data(ObstStatFlag, 1)- 0.5, data(ObstStatFlag, 2) + 0.5, cellstr('STAT-TP'));
text(data(ObstMovFlag, 1)- 0.5, data(ObstMovFlag, 2) + 0.5, cellstr('MOV-TP'));
function checkboxValue= enter_call(hObject, eventdata, handles)
handles = guidata(hObject);
handles.checkboxValue= cell2mat(get(handles.h_checkbox, 'Value'));

Best Answer

Store their handles in a variable and pass it as output from the first function and input to the second. Alternatively you could use findobj in the second function to grab their handles. If you prefer the latter, then I would set a 'tag' on all the objects that you want to delete, so that you can use:
% First function
% Second function