MATLAB: How can i get the same solution as mupad with symbolic math

mupadsimultaneous equationsymbloic math

I tried to solve simulataneous equations I suceed to get solution with mupad. However i failed to get the solution with symbloic math
i attached the source code. How can i get the correct result with symbloic math?
R1=[2.200 1.8250 1.5250];
R2=[1.1000 0.9750 0.800];
R3=[0.5 0.35 0.25];
pR1=[2.0 1.5 1.7];
pR2=[1.0 1.0 0.3];
pR3=[1.0 1.0 0.5];
[solx, soly, params, conditions] = solve((R1(1) + x*R1(2) + y*R1(3)) / (pR1(1) + x*pR1(2) + y*pR1(3)) == (R2(1) + x*R2(2) + y*R2(3)) / (pR2(1) + x*pR2(2) + y*pR2(3)) ,(R1(1) + x*R1(2) + y*R1(3)) / (pR1(1) + x*pR1(2) + y*pR1(3)) == (R3(1) + x*R3(2) + y*R3(3)) / (pR3(1) + x*pR3(2) + y*pR3(3)),[x,y],'ReturnConditions',true);

Best Answer

Hyunsuk, what is the correct result?
When I run your code I get
solx_n = vpa(solx)
solx_n =
soly_n = vpa(soly)
soly_n =
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