MATLAB: How can I get that the thikness of one slice of a CT image is measured at the milimeter level


hi everyone I got a code for DICOM viewer in this link:
The thickness of each slice is important for me. in this code I can see this but I don't know Is this measured at the millimeter level? my question is this: how can I get that the thickness of one slice of a CT image is measured at the millimeter level? if it is not measured in millimeter how can I transfer it to millimeter? I appreciate your helps and supports in advanced.

Best Answer

Yes, DICOM tag (0018,0050) Slice Thickness is in mm. See Table C.7-10
Note that Slice Thickness is allowed to be different for different slices. There is a useful discussion at!topic/comp.protocols.dicom/_VwpyrH36xw