MATLAB: How can i get a pathname with \*.jpg for an image folder.

folderimageimage acquisitionuser input

I am using
1. folder_name = uigetdir('C:\Users\Student\Documents\MATLAB\matlab program folder')
2. dirNamev =('C:\Users\Student\Documents\MATLAB\matlab program folder\9.15\*.jpg');
filesv = dir(dirNamev);
to get the folder name, but form 1—> it gives me only "C:\Users\Student\Documents\MATLAB\matlab program folder\9.15". 9.15 is a folder containing set of 11 images. My aim is to get a 11×1 struct as in —>form 2. I want to go for 1st method because the folder may change every time and user may need to make a change. Please help me with some ideas.

Best Answer

folder_name = uigetdir('C:\Users\Student\Documents\MATLAB\matlab program folder');
filesv = dir(fullfile(folder_name, '*.jpg'));