MATLAB: How can i extract features from sclera blood vessel structure using gabor filter.

eyeImage Processing Toolboxsclerasclera detection

Hello sir,
I want to extract features from the blood vessel structure of sclera. First sclera area is detected and then blood vessels are enhanced from the sclera portion, from that enhanced blood vessel features are to be extracted.
I am trying to do feature extraction by means of GABOR FILTER… can u please tell me sir which are feature that can be extracted by means of gabor filter ??? How can i apply gabor filter to this enhanced blood vessel structured image ??

Best Answer

There's nothing built in to MATLAB to do sclera vessel detection, so I think you should look at the published literature to find a suitable algorithm, then code it up in MATLAB. Start your search in section 20.5 here: Vision Bibliography. If you need help with MATLAB code (syntax, error messages, program flow, etc.) then come back and attach your images and m-files.
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