MATLAB: How can i extract blood vessels from a noisy image

eyefilterfundusimage processingImage Processing Toolboxophthalmologyretina

hello sir..I want to extract a blood vessel from a noisy image.I want only the vessel part of the image. i have attached my images. can somebody help me please.
Thanks in advance!! and thanks a ton for all response that u guys had given me!!! uu all guys have helped me a lot thanks again
sir, i want to remove the background i mean to say the white part of inside retina…how can i do it
and i want my output image to look

Best Answer

This is not so trivial. It's not like simple global or adaptive thresholding will robustly work for all images, though if you're lucky it may work for some normal (non-pathological) images. I recommend you find a suitable algorithm in section 20.5 here:,%20CAT,%20MRI,%20Ultrasound,%20Heart%20Models,%20Brain%20Models Pick one, then code it up. If you need help with MATLAB code after that, contact us again.
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