MATLAB: How can i exclude bins from histogram

binshistogramindexingnetcdf file

i have a Netcdf file including latitude(30619×1), altitude(150), N2O(150×30619) other information. i want to make a latitude(30619×1)-altitude(150) histogram by dividing latitude to the bins with width of 5 degrees, and index corresponding N2O(150×30619) to the bins, but i want to excludes a few bins from my histogram. and keep others. for instance, the latitude range is [-90:5:90] but i just want N2O(150×30619) for [15:5:20], [25:5:45] bins from whole latitude(30619×1) for entire altitudes(150).

Best Answer

lat_inrange_1 = latitude >= 15 & latitude < 20; %watch the edge conditions!

lat_inrange_2 = latitude >= 25 & latitude < 45; %watch the edge conditions!
lat_inrange = lat_inrange_1 | lat_inrange_2;
N2O_subset = N2O(:,lat_inrange);
Now you can histogram on N2O_subset. Assuming I correctly interpreted [15:5:20], [25:5:45] as meaning latitudes in the range 15 to 20 or 25 to 45.