MATLAB: How can i create a new vector with conditions

if statementMATLABmatrixmatrix manipulationsimulinkwhile loop

d=[100 200 300;
250 350 450;
810 550 600;
500 700 400]
v=[1 1 1 1]
d has 4 rows and v has 4 elements.
If d's all of the elements of any row are less than 800, v (row) must be equal to 5. But this process must continue until any element of any row is greater than 800.
d(1,:)<800 so v(1)=5
d(2,:)<800 so v(2)=5
d(3,:), all of them not less than 800. So v(3)=1
d(4,:)<800. But v(4) will not be changed. Because we find a value which is greater than 800 at row 3.
How can i achieve this problem?

Best Answer

>> d = [100,200,300;250,350,450;810,550,600;500,700,400]
d =
100 200 300
250 350 450
810 550 600
500 700 400
>> v = 1+4*cumprod(all(d<800,2))
v =