MATLAB: How can i create a image array includes files from a specific folder

error in creating image database

how can i create a database from images in a folder? here is my code but it is giving error.
directory = fullfile('./buildings');
images = dir(fullfile(directory,'*.jpg'));
names = {}';
I=zeros(numel(names),144,176,3); %size of the images are constant and 144*176*3
for k=1: numel(names)
I{k} = imread(fullfile(directory,names{k}));
figure; imshow(I{k});
Error is this:
Cell contents assignment to a non-cell array object.
Error in application2exercise3 (line 9)
I{k} = imread(fullfile(directory,names{k}));
Ty for your help.

Best Answer

What is tempI? It's not defined.