MATLAB: How can i cnvert a simulink model to hdl code?

hdlHDL Codersimulink

sir, i created a simulink model for an all digital pll… i have to convert this model to hdl code.. option is there in simulink… but ican't do this?? error showing that trigger ports are not supported… what i have to do?

Best Answer

Trigger ports are supported in HDL Coder with some limitations, all of which are in the documentation. To access this documentation from MATLAB, run the following command.
>> web(fullfile(docroot, 'hdlcoder/ref/triggeredsubsystem.html'))
For your convenience, here is the bulk of the guidelines to successfully generate code for a triggered subsystem in HDL Coder. This is taken directly from the documentation.
  • The DUT (that is, the top-level subsystem for whichcode is generated) must not be a triggered subsystem.
  • The coder does not support subsystems that are both triggered and enabledfor HDL code generation.
  • The trigger signal must be a scalar.
  • The data type of the trigger signal must be either boolean or ufix1.
  • Outputs of the triggered subsystem must have an initialvalue of 0.
  • All inputs and outputsof the triggered subsystem (including the trigger signal) must runat the same rate.
  • The Show output port parameter of the Trigger block must be set to Off.
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