MATLAB: How can I change the number of digits before decimal point


Hi everyone,
I would like to change the number of digits before the decimal point, for example 1.45237E+6 to 145.237E+4
Thanks in advance,

Best Answer

Hmm, interesting problem. Here is one solution that lets you specify how many leading digits you want before the decimal point, before converting to char vector/string:
>> N = 1.45237E+6;
>> D = 3; % digits before decimal point
>> T = 6; % total digits
>> K = 10^(2-D+floor(log10(N)));
>> sprintf('%d%.*e',fix(N/K),T-D,mod(N,K))
ans = '145.237e+04'
Try it with more digits:
>> D = 5;
>> T = 6;
>> K = 10^(2-D+floor(log10(N)));
>> sprintf('%d%.*e',fix(N/K),T-D,mod(N,K))
ans = '14523.7e+02'