MATLAB: How can i add two matrix vertically with different column


how can i add two matrix vertically with different column?
please help
thank you
like this example:
A=[1 3 6 8 9]
B=[1 2]
Result= 1 3 6 8 9
1 2 0 0 0

Best Answer

m = max(numel(A),numel(B));
% Method 1
Wanted = reshape([A(:);B(:);zeros(m-numel(B),1)],[],2).'
% Method 2
w = cellfun(@(x)[x,zeros(1,m-numel(x))],{A,B},'un',0);
Wanted = cat(1,w{:})
% Method 3
Wanted = zeros(2,m);
Wanted(1,:) = A;
Wanted(2,1:numel(B)) = B
% Method 4
Wanted = [A;B,zeros(1,m-numel(B))]