MATLAB: How can i access Intel IPP libraries for a MATLAB Host Computer target with Matlab Coder

intelippMATLABmatlab coder

I'm trying to generate optimized code for my host machine in matlab coder.
This product page mentions Matlab Coder supports IPP, but in the options settings for code generation, under Custom Code, the only options for the math libraru are C89/C90 and C99, and the only Code replacement library is GNU C99.
How do i enable IPP support?
Using r2018b, Windows 10 64 bit machine

Best Answer

Hi Gershom,
The IPP library is used by setting "Code Replacement Library".
Currently, the IPP CRL tables are moved to both "Intel SSE" and Intel "AVX libraries". You will need to have embedded coder license to use these libraries.
Here are steps to use it (assuming you are using 64-bit windows):
(1) In Matlab coder's cofiguration, go to "Hardware" page
(2) Set 'Hardware Board' to 'None - Select device below'
Then choose the "Deivce" to "Intel" ->"x86-64 (Windows64)"
(3) Go back to "Custom Code", you should be able to find "Intel SSE (Windows)" or "Intel AVX (Windows)" under "Code Replacement Library".
(4) Depending on your use case, choose either one of the libraries above and continue to your regular code generation workflow.
Ye Yang