MATLAB: How can fix this problem

Image Processing Toolboximwrite

I have a a problem with a image conversion, i am trying to convert a multiple jpg in a png. I'am write the fooling code and i am trying to save the result in another folder , but the fooling error it's show: Error using imwrite Too many output arguments. Error in cod (line 2).
if true
% code
for x = 1:length(imgDir)
%pwd (leitura da directoria actual)
pic = imgDir(x).name;
a = imgDir(x).name;
out = [imgDir(x).name(1:end-4) '.png'];
outFile = fullfile(outDir,out);

Best Answer

You don't need the '.png' - it should be just 'png' but you don't even need that since it figures it out from the filename. Plus you need to write out the image array, not the base filename followed by the full filename.
imwrite(handles.images{x}, outFile);