MATLAB: How can extract specific numbers from a string??

extract specific numbers from a stringmatrixnumstring

I have the string c={ 4 of 5 stars, 5 of 5 stars, 5 of 5 stars, 3 of 5 stars, 3 of 5 stars, 4 of 5 stars}. How can extract to a matrix the bold numbers ????
thank you!!!

Best Answer

You could use a regular expression. Assuming all the numbers you want to extract are integer:
str = 'c={ 4 of 5 stars, 5 of 5 stars, 5 of 5 stars, 3 of 5 stars, 3 of 5 stars, 4 of 5 stars}';
starcount = str2double(regexp(str, '\d+(?= of)', 'match'))
The regular expression matches any sequence of digit immediately followed by ' of'.