MATLAB: How are the L and R matrices derived from the parameters of the per unit synchronous machine in SimPowerSystems

Simscape Electrical

I am trying to understand how the L and R matrices  derived from the parameters of the per unit synchronous machine in SimPowerSystems. 
I went through the reference papers  in order to understand how to get from the standard pu parameters to the matrices L and R.
Yet, the formulas I got (and verified with the books I have) from these papers would not lead to an unrealistic L matrix in case of Xl = 0.01 in my example.
Hence, I wonder which parameters does the SimPowerSystem algorithms compute realistic values and similar values to those I'd get with my simpler formulas from your references? 

Best Answer

Here are the steps that we are using to calculate Xmd:
1.      From Td’ and Td’’,  the open-circuit time constant Tdo’ and Tdo’’ are estimated base on Ref.[1].
2.      From Xd, Xd’, Xd’’, Xl, and Td’’, the d-axis damper time constant Tkd is estimated base on Ref.[2].
3.      From Td’, Td’’, Tdo’, Tdo’’, Tkd, and Xd, Xmd is calculated based on Ref.[3].
[1].   I. M. Canay, “Modelling of alternating-current machines having multiple rotor circuits”
[2].   Y. Takeda and B. Adkins, “Determination of Synchronous Machine Parameters Allowing for Unequal Mutual Inductances”
[3].   L. Salvatore, M. Savino, “Exact relationship between parameters and test data for models of synchronous machines”